Export CSV SCCM software report using PowerShell

When you are taking over an SCCM setup from another technician – or want an insigt on your own setup – it might be difficult to get an overview of the different software deployments that are configured, and in which task sequences they may have been put to use. With this script you’ll get a full overview of all applications, packages and their task sequence relations. The point of making these reports is to quickly indentify which application, or package that could be deleted.

One thing I find especially difficult in the SCCM console is the overview of which collections that are used as include, or exlude collection on other collections. This will give you that overview.

2 different reports:

The script exports 2 different reports. The first named <SiteName>_SoftwareReport.csv contains an overview of all applications and packages, with the following information:

  • How many users/computers have the application installed.
  • How many deployments are made on the application or package, and if all the deployment collections are empty.
  • How many task sequences are the application or package used in, and which ones.

The second report named <SiteName>_SoftwareDeploymentsReport.csv provides an overview of all application and package deployments, with the following information:

  • How many objects are targeted.
  • Intentions: available/required.
  • Collection name of the deployment, as well as the included/excluded collections it has.

How to use the script:

Transfer the script to your site server and run it from an elevated powershell prompt. The two reports will be exported to $PSScriptRoot.






    Use this from an elevated powershell prompt on a site server
    Author: Morten Rønborg
    Date: 30-01-2018
    Last Updated: 02-02-2019

#requires -RunAsAdministrator

#Define variables
$ReportExportPath = $PSScriptRoot
Get-WMIObject -Namespace "root\SMS" -Class "SMS_ProviderLocation" | foreach-object{if ($_.ProviderForLocalSite -eq $true){$SiteCode=$_.SiteCode}} 

#Import module
Import-Module(Join-Path $(Split-Path $env:SMS_ADMIN_UI_PATH) ConfigurationManager.psd1)

#Set location
Set-Location($SiteCode + ":") -ErrorAction Stop

#Get all deployed applications, packages and tasksequnces
$AllSoftware = [array](Get-CMApplication -Fast) + [array](Get-CMPackage)
$AllTaskSequences = Get-CMTaskSequence
$SoftwareCounter = 1

$SoftwareReport = @()
$DeploymentsReport = @()

Write-Host "Total number of software is '$($AllSoftware.count)'.."
Write-Host "Total number of Task Sequences is '$($AllTaskSequences.count)'.."

#Loop through all software
ForEach($Software in ($AllSoftware)){

    #Software specific variables
    if($Software.SmsProviderObjectPath -like "SMS_Application*"){

        #Application variables
        $Name = $Software.LocalizedDisplayName
        $SoftwareType = "Application"
        $DateCreated = $Software.DateCreated
        $DateLastModified = $Software.DateLastModified
        $IsDeployed = $Software.IsDeployed
        $Description = $Software.LocalizedDescription
        $NumberOfDevicesWithApp = $Software.NumberOfDevicesWithApp
        $NumberOfUsersWithApp = $Software.NumberOfUsersWithApp
        $NumberOfDependentTS = $Software.NumberOfDependentTS
        $UniqueAppID = $Software.CI_UniqueID
        $Deployments = (Get-CMDeployment -SoftwareName $Name)

        #Pacakage variables
        $Name = $Software.Name
        $DateCreated = $Software.DateCreated
        $SoftwareType = "Package"
        $DateLastModified = $Software.LastRefreshTime
        $IsDeployed = $Software.IsDeployed
        $Description = $Software.Description
        $NumberOfDevicesWithApp = $Software.NumberOfDevicesWithApp
        $NumberOfUsersWithApp = $Software.NumberOfUsersWithApp
        $NumberOfDependentTS = $Software.NumberOfDependentTS
        $UniqueAppID = $Software.PackageID
        $Deployments = (Get-CMDeployment -SoftwareName "$Name*") | Where-Object {$_.PackageID -eq $UniqueAppID}

    #Shared variables
    $NumberOfDeployments = 0
    $DeploymentsWithTargets = "No"
    $ReferredInTaskSequence = "No"
    $ReferredTaskSequences = @()
    $DeploymentsCounter = 1

    #Write host
    Write-Host "[$($SoftwareCounter)/$($AllSoftware.Count)]Gathering information for $($SoftwareType.ToLower()) '$Name'..."

    #Loop through all tasksequences to se if there is any relations
    ForEach($TaskSequence in $AllTaskSequences){

        #Declare variables
        $TaskSequenceName = $TaskSequence.Name
        [array]$TaskSequenceReferenceIDs = $TaskSequence.References.Package

        #Some of the applications have a sourceversion suffix, so we cant use the -in comparer
        ForEach($TaskSequenceReferenceID in $TaskSequenceReferenceIDs){

            #Check for "match"
            if($UniqueAppID -like "$TaskSequenceReferenceID*"){
                #Write-Host "Match found for $TaskSequenceName"
                $ReferredInTaskSequence = "Yes"
                $ReferredTaskSequences += $TaskSequenceName

    #Loop through all deployments and gather info
    ForEach($Deployment in $Deployments){

        #Deployment variables
        $DeploymentIntent = If ($Deployment.DeploymentIntent -eq 1){"Required"}Else{"Available"} # 2 = available, 1 = required
        $DesiredConfigType =If ($Deployment.DesiredConfigType -eq 1){"Install"}Else{"Uninstall"}# 2 = uninstall, 1 = install
        $DeploymentScope = If ($Deployment.SummaryType -eq 1){"Device"}Else{"User"}# 2 = User, 1 = Device
        $NumberOfTargets = $Deployment.NumberTargeted
        $CollectionName = $Deployment.CollectionName
        [array]$CollectionRules = (Get-CMCollection -Name $CollectionName).CollectionRules
        [array]$IncludedCollections = ($CollectionRules | Where-Object {$_.SmsProviderObjectPath -eq "SMS_CollectionRuleIncludeCollection"}).RuleName
        [array]$ExcludeCollections = ($CollectionRules | Where-Object {$_.SmsProviderObjectPath -eq "SMS_CollectionRuleExcludeCollection"}).RuleName
        $DeploymentTime = $Deployment.DeploymentTime
        $NumberOfDeployments += 1
        if($NumberOfTargets -ge 1){$DeploymentsWithTargets = "Yes"}

        #Add deployment to report array
        $depObj = [PSCustomObject]@{

            #Define the objet data
            Name = $Name
            SoftwareType = $SoftwareType
            DeploymentTime = $DeploymentTime
            DeploymentIntent = $DeploymentIntent
            DesiredConfigType = $DesiredConfigType
            DeploymentScope = $DeploymentScope
            NumberOfTargets = $NumberOfTargets
            CollectionName = $CollectionName
            IncludedCollections = $($IncludedCollections -join ", ")
            ExcludeCollections = $($ExcludeCollections -join ", ")
        $DeploymentsReport += $depObj
        $DeploymentsCounter +=1

    #Add software to software report array
    $appObj = [PSCustomObject]@{

        #Define the objet data
        Name = $Name
        SoftwareType = $SoftwareType
        DateCreated = $DateCreated
        DateLastModified = $DateLastModified
        IsDeployed = $IsDeployed
        NumberOfDevicesWithApp = $NumberOfDevicesWithApp
        NumberOfUsersWithApp = $NumberOfUsersWithApp
        NumberOfDeployments = $NumberOfDeployments
        DeploymentsWithTargets = $DeploymentsWithTargets
        ReferredInTaskSequence = $ReferredInTaskSequence
        NumberOfDependentTS = $NumberOfDependentTS
        ReferredTaskSequences = if($ReferredTaskSequences){$($ReferredTaskSequences -join ", ")};
        Description = $Description

    $SoftwareReport += $appObj
    $SoftwareCounter += 1

#Set location back to starting point
Set-Location ($PSScriptRoot) -ErrorAction Stop

#Export the result 
$SoftwareReport | Export-Csv -Path "$ReportExportPath\$($SiteCode)_SoftwareReport.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation
$DeploymentsReport | Export-Csv -Path "$ReportExportPath\$($SiteCode)_SoftwareDeploymentsReport.csv" -Force -NoTypeInformation

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